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The role of technology is continuously evolving to improve student engagement and learning outcomes. Content Management Systems (CMS) have emerged as powerful tools that not only facilitate the creation and delivery of educational content but also enhance the overall learning experience for students. Let’s delve into the world of CMS tools and how they are transforming higher education.The Evolution of Content Management Systems in EducationContent Management Systems have come a long way from simple web publishing platforms. Today’s CMS tools are robust, user-friendly, and customizable, offering a wide range ofSEE DETAILS



Technology has played a big role in education, but its impact has become particularly profound in recent years. With higher education institutions predominantly operating in the digital sphere, online marketing has become the norm. Marketing automation has proven to be exceptionally beneficial and efficient for universities and colleges. The emergence of KWALL as a distinct industry underscores this focus on leveraging technology to enhance learning. Let us delve into how higher education is utilizing marketing automation. Thoroughly strategize and implement your marketing plan for optimal resultsFirst and foremost, the most importantSEE DETAILS


Advice, Content Management

A school’s online reputation is just as important as its physical presence. Prospective students and parents often turn to the internet to learn about schools, making it crucial for educational institutions to manage their online image effectively. The recent global pandemic has turned everything related to education on its head, including how universities are perceived online. When people visit a university’s website, they’re not just looking at the design – they’re also judging the content. With these changes in the global higher education reputation landscape, the importance of delivering the rightSEE DETAILS


Content Management

Creating content for SEO, or search engine optimization, involves crafting material that is not only informative but also packed with relevant keywords to boost your website’s visibility in search engine results pages. Essentially, it’s about enhancing your site’s chances of being seen and chosen by potential visitors.While there’s no foolproof recipe for producing the ultimate content, there are strategies that can improve your odds of success.Major search engines like Google have shifted their focus towards ranking websites with more natural, informative, and helpful content. Content that isn’t overly optimized forSEE DETAILS


Web Development

In today’s rapidly evolving technological world, the educational sector constantly faces new hurdles. From streamlining and modernizing learning experiences to creating engaging, interactive digital platforms, the challenges are multifaceted. Navigating these waters effectively requires deep industry knowledge and technical expertise. In this post Fernando, the VP of Solutions and strategy here at KWALL, who is at the forefront of understanding and addressing these pressing issues shares his insights on the challenges that KWALL’s clients face today in the EDU space and how KWALL is crafting solutions to these issues. What challengesSEE DETAILS



Historically, most websites remained static, lacking the capacity for seamless evolution. Yet, today they are considered living entities. They breathe, they morph, they respond. Choosing the perfect platform for managing your content isn’t just a decision – it’s an art. Especially for those mammoth enterprises and expansive websites, the ones carrying a universe of needs. This choice isn’t just a fork in the road; it’s the essence of your digital identity.Here’s a guide for marketers aspiring to break free from the limitations of conventional static WordPress websites and landing pages.SEE DETAILS


User Research, UX Research

According to research conducted by the Nielsen Norman Group, rectifying usability issues identified during early testing can result in a reduction of development costs by a factor of 10 to 100 times. However, gaining a true comprehension of users and optimizing their experience is more akin to navigating a woven, coiling path rather than a straight line. This journey demands patience, care, and unwavering dedication.In the realm of web design, where user experience holds paramount importance, KWALL has emerged as a pioneering force in delivering transformative digital solutions for extensiveSEE DETAILS


Advice, UX Web Design

Having a checklist or a systematic and standardized approach to tasks, procedures, or processes should not be limited only to high-stakes professions like nursing, aviation, and surgery. Applying a framework for your UX web strategy helps your student journey and has a direct impact on your enrollment, student retention, and reputation. At KWALL, we continually strive to improve the .EDU space and provide insights and solutions to the sometimes overcomplicated navigation maze that doesn’t reflect nor highlight the voice, branding, or capabilities of your institution.Use this checklist for the threeSEE DETAILS



As a potential student, navigating your university’s website should be seamless and easy. Unfortunately, many universities have fallen short when it comes to website navigation. This can significantly impact both current and prospective students ability to connect with the university to pursue enrolment, leading to frustration, confusion, and a lack of engagement with the university.Why Poor Website Navigation Impacts University EnrollmentsSo why does poor website navigation impact your university? The answer is simple: it creates a barrier for discovery and information gathering. If students cannot easily find the information theySEE DETAILS