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Strategies for Managing Multi-Campus Websites

Managing multi-campus websites effectively is crucial for institutions that span multiple locations. It ensures a cohesive and seamless online experience for all users. A well-designed multi-campus website helps current and prospective students easily find campus-specific information. These include resources and services, which is essential for making informed decisions and accessing support.  Clear and intuitive navigation…


Save the Date: Drupal GovCon 2024 is Coming!

Drupal GovCon 2024 is fast approaching! Scheduled to take place from August 13-15 at the Riggs Center, University of Maryland, this year’s event promises to be a hub of innovation, learning, and community engagement. Whether you are a seasoned Drupal professional or just beginning your journey, Drupal GovCon 2024 is an event you won’t want…

KWALL Receives Global Clutch Spring 2024 Champion Award

We are thrilled to announce that KWALL has been honored with the Global Clutch Spring 2024 Champion Award in Appsmith, Drupal, a prestigious recognition that highlights our dedication to excellence and industry leadership. This award is a testament to our team’s hard work, innovation, and commitment to delivering outstanding solutions for our clients. About the…


Online Reputation Management: How to Boost Your School’s Online Presence

A school’s online reputation is just as important as its physical presence. Prospective students and parents often turn to the internet to learn about schools, making it crucial for educational institutions to manage their online image through effective online reputation management.. The recent global pandemic has turned everything related to education on its head, including…

Meet KWALL’s Fernando: Navigating EDU Space Challenges and Crafting Effective Solutions

In today’s rapidly evolving technological world, the educational sector constantly faces new hurdles. From streamlining and modernizing learning experiences to creating engaging, interactive digital platforms, the EDU space challenges are multifaceted. Navigating these waters effectively requires deep industry knowledge and technical expertise. In this post Fernando, the VP of Solutions and strategy here at KWALL,…

CMS Migration: From WordPress to DrupaI

Historically, most websites remained static, lacking the capacity for seamless evolution. Yet, today they are considered living entities. They breathe, they morph, they respond. Choosing the perfect platform for CMS migration isn’t just a decision – it’s an art. Especially for those mammoth enterprises and expansive websites, the ones carrying a universe of needs. This…


Enhancing User Experiences through Strategic Usability Testing: Insights from KWALL

According to a research conducted by the Nielsen Norman Group, rectifying usability issues identified during early testing can result in a reduction of development costs by a factor of 10 to 100 times. However, gaining a true comprehension of users and optimizing their experience is more akin to navigating a woven, coiling path rather than…

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