The Eyes Have It: 12 Tips To Show Off Your Best Side With Website Photography

      It’s all about authenticity, and stock photos just won’t do. Website photography is essential for any website to keep visitors engaged, especially since 65% of people are visual learners – 80% of people remember things they see, while only 20% remember things they read. Great visuals grab and keep attention, and research…


Videography in Higher Ed Recruiting is More Important than Ever

  When it comes to marketing anything, videos are ubiquitous, and for good reason. People share videos twice as much as they share other content, and 84% of people who responded to that study were persuaded by video to make a purchase. For institutions videography in higher ed recruiting has become a a critical part…


Short-Form Videos are Essential Tools for Engaging Today’s Potential Students

Almost 50% of students use YouTube to research potential schools ​ ​ High school graduation rates flat. There a 2.5% drop in college enrollments and a general decline in requests for campus visits. Institutions of higher education must employ creative marketing techniques to lure students in the door among increased marketing competition. The most engaging…

YouTube for Content Marketing: Here’s What You Need to Know

Is your school using YouTube for content marketing? If not, you may be missing out on a golden opportunity to boost website traffic. Higher education institutions often use web pages and blog posts for content marketing. The content provides value because it explains what a college or university offers. Yet, those interested in your school…

How to Add Short Form Videos to Your Higher-Ed Digital Marketing Experience

People are consuming content at faster speeds than ever, which makes short-form videos the perfect place to start creating content for today’s students. ​ Higher education institutions engage prospective students, transfers, and parents through digital marketing in the form of websites, newsletters, social media, and emails. But one important channel may be missing: Short-form videos….


Virtual Tours of College Campuses Are More Vital Than Ever: Are You Ready?

In the era of COVID-19 social distancing and limited travel, more students will rely on virtual campus tours than ever. College campuses are doing their best to welcome students back to campus in the “new normal.” No one knows how long measures like masks, distancing and remote learning are going to be part of the…

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