7 Reasons You Should Invest in Copywriting for Higher Ed Marketing

Investing in copywriting for higher ed marketing helps you get better content, boost student engagement, and establish a consistent brand voice across all channels. Key Takeaways Improves audience engagement Saves time to focus on other priorities Helps establish a consistent brand voice Sets you apart from competitors Delivers personalization to your audience  Pairs with design…

SEO Strategy For Higher Ed: Boost Your Online Recruiting Efforts

    It’s nothing new that search engine optimization (SEO) is important for any website. It is what determines search engine rankings, or how high up on the search page results your content appears when someone does an internet search. This makes formulating an effective SEO strategy for higher ed essential for any institution of…

Everything About Leveraging SEO for Greater Traffic to Your University Website

Your SEO strategy is the heart of your digital recruitment strategy. The better your higher ed SEO strategy, the better your chances are of meeting recruiting targets. The first encounter between the majority of people and your university is your higher ed Website, which makes SEO very important to your outreach efforts SEO stands for…


Make Your Student Recruitment Pandemic-Proof With These 5 Digital Marketing and Content Tips

The digital marketing and communication lessons of the pandemic will help higher ed institutions connect with recruits and their parents in 2021 and beyond     ​ ​ One of the most enduring aspects of the coronavirus pandemic is the level of restraint it has introduced in our daily lives. Our attitudes and behavior have…

How Online Marketing Can Help Community Colleges Rebound From the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic led to severe declines in college enrollment, and community colleges were hit the hardest. In 2020, fall college enrollment had an unprecedented 6.8% decline, and the decline was highest among low-income high school students. In contrast, enrollment in public four-year colleges from students at high-income schools was unaffected. Right now, enrollment is…

Not Getting Noticed? Use These 7 Tips to Increase Your Search Engine Visibility

​You have a fantastic site design, great program offerings, and a socially active and beautiful campus with wonderful amenities, yet your website is not getting much traffic. There are a number of reasons this could be happening, but the most likely culprit is your content strategy. Search engines don’t only notice good websites, they notice…

The Future of Online Learning is Now – How to Promote Your Remote Classroom Options

Know your audience, use video, and be careful which social platform you use ​ Online learning isn’t new, but it’s become the “new normal” of higher education because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccination rates are increasing, but 33% of administrators of post-secondary schools still say they will continue to offer online course options even after…

Everything Higher Ed Marketers Need to Know About Facebook Lookalike Audiences

Higher education institutions use Facebook ads to generate interest from prospective students. Thanks to Facebook lookalike audiences, colleges and universities can deliver targeted ads like never before. Facebook lookalike audiences help higher education institutions identify and connect with social media users who share attributes similar to their alumni, faculty, and students. To understand why, let’s…


Responsive Ads: Hit Your Targets and Broaden Your Reach with Current and Prospective Students

Responsive ads are all the rage in the display ad world because of their chameleonic ability to adjust their size, appearance, and format to adapt to any screen, platform, or device. They offer a powerful tool to extoll the virtues of your school and attract students because they are optimized to fit the screen of…

YouTube for Content Marketing: Here’s What You Need to Know

Is your school using YouTube for content marketing? If not, you may be missing out on a golden opportunity to boost website traffic. Higher education institutions often use web pages and blog posts for content marketing. The content provides value because it explains what a college or university offers. Yet, those interested in your school…

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