A lot happened for higher ed in 2021. Don’t miss these best blogs from KWALL from the year that was. They provide expert insights and guidance for your digital tools and experiences.

Some of the biggest trends of 2021 for higher education institutions included the pandemic, shifts to online and remote learning, and a greater demand for the best digital tools to boost marketing strategies and online presence.

KWALL was there throughout the ups and downs to provide you with the latest news, trends, tips, and best practices to keep improving your digital footprint as a college or university. This post rounds up our best blogs from the year.

Best blogs for higher ed and online learning

In the world of higher education in 2021, online learning was top-of-mind. More schools than ever have been launching remote educational experiences to continue supporting students during the COVID-19 pandemic. These topics made up most of our higher ed deep-dive content from the year. We wanted to provide the latest about the state of learning and how you can keep students engaged through it all. Don’t miss these key posts:

5 Student Needs That Are Forcing Digital Communication Changes in Higher Education
The Hybrid Campus Experience: Meeting Student Needs Now and in the Future
Make Online Learning Easy for Parents and Meet a Real Higher Education Need
Offer an Online Experience That Works for Every Student – The Essentials of Remote Accessibility
How to Justify Paying Full Price for an Online Education If Your Students Ask
Could This Be Online Learning’s Finest Hour?
Fewer International Students Coming to the US? Here Are 4 easy Things You Can Do About It
How to Build a Virtual Student Support Network
How to Be Transparent About COVID-19 Conditions at Your College
The Future of Online Learning is Now – How to Promote Your Remote Classroom Options
Are Students Landing Good Jobs After They Graduate From Your School?
How to Convince Adult Learners of the Value of a College Degree
Show Students Your School Can Help Them Land a Good Job
6 Ways Crowdsourced Resources Have Helped Higher Education During COVID-19
5 Higher Education Challenges Created by COVID-19
How Has COVID-19 Impacted College Enrollment?
What Will Higher Ed Look Like in 2021 and Beyond?

Blogs for your digital marketing and content strategy

Other trends beyond the pandemic have pushed colleges and universities to embrace digital transformation like never before. To have a stronger online brand reputation and get the engagement results you’re looking for, you need to take another look at your digital marketing and content strategies.

KWALL provided tips and tricks, from SEO to digital experiences to automation to social media. Take a look at what we covered last year:

What Are Student Personas? Everything You Need to Know
Can You Automate Digital Marketing for Higher Ed?
Tips for Creating a Quality User Experience for Your Higher Ed Website
Share Your School’s Story Across Multiple Marketing Channels
3 Ways to Establish Brand Authenticity for Higher Ed Websites
Everything About Leveraging SEO for Greater Traffic to Your University Website
Are You Sending Too Many Emails to Recruits? Here’s the Right Way to Connect with Younger Generations.
What You Should Know About Reengaging Students and Making Them Feel Safe After COVID
Build a Positive Reputation That Resonates With Your School’s Target Audience
Make Your Student Recruitment Pandemic-Proof With These 5 Digital Marketing and Content Tips
How Online Marketing Can Help Community Colleges Rebound From the COVID-19 Pandemic
Not Getting Noticed? Use These 7 Tips to Increase Your Search Engine Visibility
Everything Higher Ed Marketers Need to Know About Facebook Lookalike Audiences
Responsive Ads: Hit Your Targets and Broaden Your Reach with Current and Prospective Students
Short-Form Videos are Essential Tools for Engaging Today’s Potential Students
YouTube for Content Marketing: Here’s What You Need to Know
How to Add Short Form Videos to Your Higher-Ed Digital Marketing Experience

Blogs for your website and CMS platform

To stand out to students, boost engagement, and be the knowledge hub for your community, you need better digital tools, like a killer website and CMS platform. KWALL has you covered with great content from 2021 that discusses the basics of CMS for higher ed, website management guidance, and much more.

Revisit these key posts on websites and CMS platforms:

Leverage That Search Bar – Crafting an Effective Higher Ed SEO Strategy That Reels Students In
How to Create an Online or Hybrid Campus for Your Higher Ed Institution
Building a Web Platform to Empower Your SEO Strategy
CMS Data Migration for Higher Ed Websites Should Be Reliable and Seamless
Website Governance: Has Your Higher Ed Website Become Frankenstein’s Monster?
How Much Does a Higher Ed CMS Cost?
8 Steps to Keep Your Higher Ed Website on Track
Should You Run Your Website on WordPress?
5 Tips for Higher Ed Websites to Get the Most Value From Drupal
SEO for Higher Ed: Why Is It Important?
Top 5 Ways to Handle Higher Ed Website Management
Why WordPress Is a Great Option for Higher Education Websites
5 Benefits of Drupal for Higher Education

​Turn to KWALL in the new year

It’s never been more crucial for your higher ed institution to improve its web experiences and brand reputation. KWALL helps you do it with web design and development solutions that will help you stand out and keep students engaged with online content.

Contact KWALL today to get started with a site audit or maintenance conversation.


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