Web Accessibility: Unlocking Digital Inclusion

From educational resources and e-commerce to social interactions and governmental services, the web connects us to countless opportunities. However, for individuals with disabilities, these digital frontiers can often become frustrating barriers to overcome. This is where web accessibility comes into play, paving the way for an inclusive online landscape that leaves no one behind. At…


Leveraging Drupal: Empowering Marketing Teams in Higher Education

Robust and scalable with unrivaled flexibility, adaptability, and personalization capabilities, Drupal emerges as the go-to choice for marketing professionals seeking to elevate their strategies and achieve remarkable results. Creating Amazing Micro-sites for Custom Campaigns: To enhance engagement and create personalized experiences, Drupal offers the ability to create micro-sites for custom campaigns. These micro-sites serve as…

Drupal Vs. WordPress

In the vast realm of content management systems (CMS), two prominent names often dominate the conversation: Drupal and WordPress. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are significant differences between them that could make or break your website’s success. Let’s delve into the key distinctions between Drupal and WordPress: Drupal: Embracing Boundless Possibilities…

Navigating Higher Education Websites: Unraveling the Mega Menus vs. Drop-Down Dilemma

Navigation Design In the world of higher education websites, where there is often a vast amount of information and numerous sections to explore, finding the right balance between usability and simplicity is crucial. Users should be able to navigate through the website effortlessly, discovering relevant content without feeling overwhelmed or lost. That’s where careful navigation…


Navigating the Digital Landscape: Information Architecture and User-Centered Design

What does information Architecture do? Information Architecture is the science that organizes and classifies digital information so site visitors can find and use it without frustration. At its core, it helps classify content in a clear and understandable way so that users can easily understand the relations between the content, finding information with less effort…

How to Nail Your School’s Brand Identity With Its Website Design

Differentiate your school with a website that ticks all the right boxes, stands out from the pack, and celebrates your uniqueness  Key Takeaways: Many school websites look alike, with bland photography, taglines from the 1950s, poor color choices, and no sense of a cohesive identity Education is experiential, and you are selling the intangible –…

Why Is UX So Important for Your Higher-Ed Website?

User experience (UX) considerations help ensure your prospects can navigate your website with ease and take your desired actions​   ​ Attracting and engaging leads with your web presence is one of the most important things you can do as a modern higher education institution. Prospective students head online when they want to research a…


Videography Is More Important Than Ever in Higher-Ed Recruiting

Video is the marketing content king, but keep it short to keep students interested   ​   When it comes to marketing anything, videos are ubiquitous, and for good reason. People share videos twice as much as they share other content, and 84% of people who responded to that study were persuaded by video to…

7 Reasons You Should Invest in Copywriting for Higher Ed Marketing

Investing in copywriting helps you get better content, boost student engagement, and establish a consistent brand voice across all channels. Key Takeaways: Improves audience engagement You can trust the experts Saves time to focus on other priorities Helps establish a consistent brand voice Sets you apart from competitors Delivers personalization to your audience  Pairs with…

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